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employee homepage_imac2015_front.png

Speakup FEEdback saas

SpeakUp is a SaaS product for businesses where employees can submit feedback to their employers, with the option of anonymity. It also enables managers to ask for feedback.

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Employees and employers value feedback but that feedback was not prioritised, so…

Employers need an efficient way to prioritiSe and implement employee feedback, transparently and consistently. 


Employees need a way to give feedback comfortably, and to feel THEIR contributions are not only valued, but implemented into the company.    

The solution


Lucid Agency has adopted a new software called SpeakUP.

Marta (a Junior, UX Designer) wants to give some feedback about UX tools in the company.

What I did


I wanted to find out…

  • how often management asks for feedback from employees

  • how comfortable employees felt about giving feedback

  • how valuable this feedback is to both employees and employers

2 interviews

I visited a Barcelona startup of 17 employees called Doonamis where I confirmed my findings from interviews with 8 different startup employees and managers, about the lack of consistency when it comes to feedback.

3 Competitive Analysis

I then researched the current market and conducted an analysis of a similar tool called Honestly.



Maria is the director of Lucid Agency. She’s always very busy and not always accessible to her employees.


Maria Simo Badia

Director @ Lucid Agency

Goals: to cultivate an open work culture & keep employees happy

Frustrations: no formal system in place; no time


Marta is a junior UX/UI Designer. She can be timid at time but has great ideas that she’d like to share.


Marta Pujol Ribas

JR. UX Designer @ Lucid Agency

Goals: to learn & develop; to contribute and feel valued

Frustrations: not always confident about sharing ideas

4 My Challenges & Solutions

  • the initial prototype had too many features (create meetings; track goals/progress) which took away from the core of the app so I eliminated them

  • from multiple question surveys to simple one-question pulse surveys to make management think carefully about specific feedback needs

  • startups don’t have the revenue to spend on new software and thus are less likely to use new tools; so I integrated the app into Slack

Employees like Marta can also submit their feedback anonymously through the SpeakUP Slack bot.

Employees like Marta can also submit their feedback anonymously through the SpeakUP Slack bot.

Maria, the director, would receive the message by the bot through Slack.

Maria, the director, would receive the message by the bot through Slack.

PRODUCT Evolution

Employee Dashboard

Employee Flow edited.png

After testing, I simplified the Employee homepage:

Employee iterations 2.png

Employer Dashboard

Employer iterations 1.png
Emplpoyer iterations 2.png

The Employer/Management view was also simplified after testing.

  1. Quick-one question surveys: testers in management positions wanted a way to get quick feedback consistently.

  2. Active questions: where management can keep track of questions they have asked and see the results

Visual Design

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